Hi, my name is Dominique Payne. I am the founder of Jupiter Streamline and the Lead Vibrational Healer of Humanity. I am pleased to announce my first newsletter showcasing my mission to improve one's Frequency Self Development and Wellness. My company is designed to help humanity ascend by reconnecting to our higher selves and the Universe by healing any inner wounds we may have, raising our vibrations, and helping to find our soul's purpose to fulfill our destiny and create the life we desire.
Please allow me to share a little bit about myself and what led me on this path. I am a one-of-a-kind creation, born under the sun sign Taurus, with the essence of a flower child, empathic, comedic, and a rebel. I’m a good person if I don't mind saying so myself. In my teenage years, I was pursuing a modeling career. I just knew I had the look to be the Next Top Model. I had the look, but I didn't have the passion. I guess I always knew I had a deeper purpose in life, but I had no clue what it was.
After years of plenty of bad decisions, trials, and tribulations my life was unfulfilling. I was so down, vibrating low. Then the Creator led me to the Divine Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is one of the strongest DMTs on this earth. Dimethyltryptamine is the proper name, DMT is a hallucinogenic and a psychedelic that occurs naturally in many plants and has plenty of natural healing benefits. After my mystical Ayahuasca experience and with continuous inner work, in time I would finally find my purpose in this life and that is to help other people vibrate higher and help find their true purpose and create the life they desire.
If any of this resonates with you, please be on the lookout for my
Vibrational Coaching will be available soon. As well as Jupiter Streamline's monthly newsletters which will provide a list of holistic practices and remedies to raise our vibrations and help us become the best versions of ourselves.
Thank you,
Your Vibrational Healing Guide​
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